Etro Anime - See The Sound (2002)

Etro Anime - See The Sound (2002)

 1 Purest One
2 Portrait
3 Summer Rain
4 Endless
5 Danger
6 Diablo
7 Let It Go
8 Adonis
9 Forgotten Love
10 All I need
11 Either Way
My Review : 
Etro Anime's "See the Sound" was one of those CDs that I just happened to stumble across in the record store. Known to take dares on new acts, I was very impressed by this very ambitious and daring group at first listen. I didn't have to listen to it a couple of times like I do most albums to determine whether I like it or not..."See The Sound" immediately grabbed me with its heavy bass lines, refreshing grooves, dreamy melodies and infectious hooks. Lissette Alea's vocals are beautiful and strong enough to be compared to the likes of Gretchen Lieberum, Nelly Furtado and Geri Soriano-Lightwood (Supreme Beings of Leisure). Songs of note are "Endless", "Diablo", "Adonis", "Summer Rain", "Forgotten Love" and "All I Need."